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A few awesome claimed prizes
Juan R
PrizeRebel, wow, ever since i joined back in early April, its just been free prize after free prize. Ive gotten over $1700 worth of free prizes, my first one being Mario Kart Wii, and now ive gotten prizes such as a samsung blackjack, clothing, a bunch of CD's, a blackberry 8700c, x12 Wii points card, x9 1600 xbox points, and over $750 worth of ebay codes. Thanks so much prizerebel for those prizes, and the prizes i will continue to receive. Prizerebel #1. here is a picture of some of the stuff ive received, not all of it managed to fit in the picture!
Hi, i just wanted to thank you guys for my perfect pushup pro! Thanks for the free 2 day shipping also.
Thank you so much for not being another rip-off site. At first I was skeptical about the site but my confidence grew with each offer I completed.I built up enough points to custom order an 8GB SanDisk Cruzer Micro. Thanks again PrizeRebel!!
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Tom P. Turnersville
This site is awesome!! I didnt want anything on the available prize list, and they let me choose a game. I got Rumble Roses Double X and they had NO problem with it! Unlike some OTHER sites, this one actually CARES about the customer! They ordered with Amazon, so it was here within a few days!! Thanks for the game, thanks for the great site!!"
Bryan D
WOW!! That is all I have to say. I was told about PrizeRebel and decided to try it out. After saving my points for 6 months I cashed out for 4 games! I got them all on the same day and 2 were preorders!!! All I have to say is they are THE best GPT site out there.
Nathaniel W
So Ive been using the site for quite sometime, got ms points, video games, and the other day I decided I wanted some other games. So I ordered 60 bucks worth of amazon gift cards instantly (because Im platinum like that) and bought these games. I am so pumped to play. Thank you soo much prizerebel for making a 58 dollar order completely free! Along with the other 270 bucks worth of stuff I ordered from you!!!
Alex S.
Yesterday this came to my door after only 3 days. I was surprised that it came that fast.
jeffrey c.
So I got Amazon gift cards from here and I got these two prizes. Undead took 5 days to come and I got it 1 day before Naruto. Naruto took 4 days! Ha. I love Prizerebel.